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Many cities and towns in the Tennessee River Basin are utilizing urban best-management practices (BMPs) to reduce the spread of pollution to the basin's bodies of water. Residents of the basin are also able to adopt practices (Residential Stewardship BMPs) to reduce the spread of pollution into their lands and bodies of water.


Your state's Cooperative Extension Program is a great contact to receive assistance in adopting Residential Stewardship BMPs on your property. You can find your state's contact information HERE.  


Below you can find information on several Residential Stewardship BMPs you can adopt in your private residence to improve both urban and aquatic life. 


Nutrient Management - There are several actions residents can adopt on their properties to reduce the risk of nutrients being transported to bodies of water. These include:


  • Soil testing - soil testing helps to learn how much fertilizer, if any, your lawn needs

  • Properly fertilize your lawn - choose slow-nitrogen releasing fertilizers when possible, do not apply fertilize within 15 feet of streams, shorelines, or drainage ditches, sweep fertilizer from paved surfaces onto lawn

  • Reduce nutrient run-off from your property - retain clippings on lawn, aerate  lawn, install rain gardens, rain barrels and permeable pavers



Wise Practices - 

  • Use and dispose of household chemicals safely

  • Dispose of pet waste properly 

  • Wash your vehicle at commercial car wash or move your vehicle to grass before washing.





©2023 by Tennessee River Basin Network.

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